Wednesday 21 March 2018

Tommy OR Tom.

Hey Guys,

We have a very tired 11 year here at the moment.

He walked 20km's today in preparation for the 50km walk next week that he has signed up for.

It is to raise money for our local Royal Children's Hospital.

50 km + Type 1 Diabetic has meant a very stressed out ME for weeks now.

(How the hell is he going to do it as a Type 1?!)

During and after is going to be dangerous for Tom's levels.

It will more be after.

When he rests, his levels will plummet and no amount of apple juice or jelly beans will keep him safe!

One game of football (90 minutes) causes dangerous levels afterwards!

He is walking from Luna Park (St Kilda) to Frankston Pier....

"WHY IS EVERYONE SO NEGATIVE ABOUT ME DOING THIS?" he yelled at me last night.

I admit he has copped a lot of negativity from those close to him.
Those that are scared for him.
Those that are worried about his diabetes.




WHY CAN'T YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THAT?!" he continued.....yelling.

I do understand that.
I just believe we may need to live in an Emergency Department for at least 12 hours afterwards!

When Tom stops moving his levels plummet quickly.
I am incredibly scared about when he sleeps that night.

I also understand that he loves his sister dearly and that we have taught him that diabetes should not ever stop him from anything.
(THIS may be taking that last comment a bit too far though! LOL!).

If you have $10 to spare please consider sending him a positive comment.
He obviously needs it right now.
(Due to our negativity and worry!).

Tom will always be his sister's advocate, beside Scott and I.

I am scared about next Thursday, BUT YET SO INCREDIBLY PROUD!

He just wants to do this for his sister.

Tom adores Amelia.
It is the only life he knows.
Loving, supporting and keeping his sister alive.
If you have some money to spare and a supportive message (that you may even have used for the Good Friday Appeal) please send it to Tommy, at
Thank you.
(I will be driving the whole walk and meeting Tom at every "stop". Any positive comments for me on the 4:30am wake up and staying awake through out the day would also be greatly be appreciated!!!!!!! LOL.)

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