Sunday 4 March 2018

Ed Sheeran Part 1

Hello friends,

Today's post is at the opposite end of the spectrum to the previous post!

Both are true, honest and real though.........

BUT this one IS GOOD!

Halfway through last year Amelia suddenly asked to "use" her Make a Wish.
She had known that it was just sitting and waiting for her, for when she was ready.

7 years ago......she knew she could use it, when she was ready.

(we all knew she was terminal, but she did not originally)

People were starting to pressure her to use it due to the increased deterioration of her body, but we reassured her to use it at exactly the perfect time for her.

Something that was actually in HER control!

"IF Ed Sheeran or Bruno Mars ever come out in concert, I want to go. I want it to be my first concert ever" she said.

Both announce concerts, within days of each other, for the following year.

We could not choose so we tried for both.

We would never have succeeded in getting tickets if it was not due to an amazing friend called "Kate" for Bruno and my brother, Stuart, for Ed.
Both took hours upon hours of calls and stupid hold music.

AND Birthday and Christmas presents from Poppy!

Anything for Amelia though!
(No regrets at the end!)

Bruno took 2 hours to get tickets, Ed took 4.5 hours (and a broken call button for my brother on his mobile phone!).

After all of that....

"I want to use my wish" Amelia suddenly says.

"Ok. What for?" I ask.

"I want to meet Ed Sheeran".

She wants to finally make a decision and use her wish.

We apply online and 2 amazing volunteers come to our house at night time.
They want a variety of wish options.

I am like "NO" she wants THIS ONE only!!!!!

BUT it does not work like that.
You have to put in 3,
because sometimes they are not possible to achieve.

BUT she ONLY wants to use her wish to meet Ed, I explain.

Stiff shit, I am told nicely.

Sometimes they are declined.

The Ed Sheeran wish WAS declined from someone's end and she then felt "no wish then please".
She no longer wanted to use her Make a Wish.

(Make a Wish tried their best)

Make a Wish then moved onto her other choices, which were not as great (to her).
It took her 6 months to choose a new wish.

(we called them back to change the 3 wishes after 6 months).

She ended up making an awesome choice for her wish and it will hopefully occur later this year.
But Ed was always the original idea.

We were still going to the concert/s OBVIOUSLY of Bruno and Ed.

The whole immediate family to Bruno (first concert ever for both kids!).

My brother (a massive Ed fan) to the second one, with me and the kids (no Scott).

All in the matter 0f 5 days!!!!!


Last week, I received an email from Frontier Touring offering "a meet and greet competition".

It required a 25 word response to WHY you should win and a share on FB.

My 25 words was to the number exactly and explained

"My daughter, Amelia, loves Ed Sheeran SO much that she wanted to use her “Make a Wish” to meet him. But it was declined ".

I shared it.
Friends started sharing it.
I shared it on Amelia's Project page....

BUT I applied to the competition they were offering with a 25 words thingo and shared on my personal Facebook page casually.

Friends and associates began sharing and writing their own comments and #tags.

I shared on Amelia's Project Page (which I feel beyond gratitude for people sharing as well!) and the things started happening 100+.

I never expected anything to happen from it.

Jessica messaged me wanting an email address for Ed's manager.

WHO is Jessica?
Apparently she is a long distant relative on Amelia's Project page.

(I have since learnt her close connection and how amazing she is).

Meredith messaged me wanting approval to pass on details of mobile and email address to 3AW and Neil Mitchell.

(everyone knows how awesome Meredith is!)

Then Jessica messaged me while I was cooking dinner.
"Ed's tour manager has emailed you".

I open the email and fall to my hands on my knees.
I start reminding myself to BREATHE.

It said
"With regards to meeting Ed, it will happen at 5:30pm on March 11th".

There was LOTS of other stuff in the email, BUT this is what I almost collapsed over!

I ran into the living room and announced to Scott and Amelia "OMG! We are meeting Ed Sheeran".
(sounds so monotone in writing, but it was dramatic and LOUD! VERY Loud!).

I ran down the back to Tom and announced the same thing!

Everyone went into shock while Amelia posted it to FB.

People start texting my phone "UMMM is she serious?!"

I was the crazy person running around the house screaming OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!

I ran across the road to tell our neighbours and get called in to witness their gorgeous 3rd child walking for the first time..............TOO MUCH!!!!!

(Unfortunately I kept dinner cooking and totally burnt it!).

The next morning sweet, quiet Amelia got up and sat in her chair...

"Mum... Am I really meeting Ed Sheeran?" she asked quietly.

I went up and held her hand and said "Yes! Yes you are".

She quietly had happy tears while listening to the song below.

Sometimes it takes a village to raise a child.

THIS village is helping me to have no regrets at the end.

And in everyway she is totally perfect to us.

Thank you Village.

I will have No Regrets At The End with all of you helping me along the way.

(I will try photo's, video and LIVE on the night).


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