Tuesday 13 March 2018

Ed Sheeran Part 2

Hello Again!

Rewind to Sunday Night.....

I thought of four more discussions, that I forgot about, within the 6 minutes with ED!

1. My brother asked about his choice in Missy Higgins for one of his support acts.
 "I have always loved her music and have listened to it for a long time. She is a great singer" he said.

2. Ed did not hesitate in putting on the Unicorn horn once we explained Amelia's love of Unicorns.
"Want a photo?!" he asked!

3. Amelia tried to speak to him of his own disabilities, mainly in the past.
He just smiled and nodded his head.

4. Amelia thanked him.
As clear as ever, she said "Thank you for all that you do for other people".
(Sooooooo Amelia. Thinking of everyone else all of the time).

I then helped her to explain about how he has housed children in Africa, visited children's hospitals and has met children like herself.
She has watched it all on the Internet".

(There IS ONE incredible photo of this meeting.....so innocent and relaxed that will be printed and framed forever.
I have tried for 1 hour now to share it, maybe I will succeed in the comments!)

Once Ed left the room, we all stood there in shock.

In total WTF! and OMG!

Everyone had the biggest smile.

We all stared at Amelia and she looked so happy and content.

Was she happy?


Ed's tour manager came in and asked to look at our concert tickets for the night.

"This is over the other side of the stadium. I am going to organise better for you" he said.

He then looked straight at Scott and said "I have a ticket for you too".
(Scott was never coming to the concert. I rang the manager directly once he contacted me about the meet and greet and asked if Scott could come to that part. Not the concert).

The manager had no plan except for the tickets, he had just been given, in his hand.

To leave the way we came, we would need to turn left outside of the meeting room.
Go back through all the secret entrances and hallways.

The manager stood outside the meeting room for 1 minute and said "Stuff it. Come this way".

We turned right.

We walked through doors and along a hallway.

We walked past at least 4 offices.
Each had at least 1 person in it and computer screens.

One had a sign saying something like "If you are not happy with your backstage pass, then Fuck Off!".

I loved it and wish I had of grabbed a photo, but the whole thing was so surreal!

Suddenly Ed walked past us with a guitar in his hand.
"Excuse me. Sorry guys" he said.

He joined 3 other men ahead of us and an impromptu meeting began.

One of the other people was Michael Gudinski.
They discussed a deal that had not been met by the other party.

My heart swelled that it involved donations to charities and how Ed was not happy the other people were not holding up their end of the deal.

We watched (while trying to look anywhere else but at them!) for 2 minutes until the manager lead us to our new seats.

The manager walked us up the same path that Ed enters to start the concert.
Beside the stage and out to the standing audience area.

He lead us to a wheelchair raised podium in the front standing area.

Amelia and one other could go on it.
We chose Tom to join Amelia.

I did not get the photo of Amelia and Tom that is now ingrained in my mind forever.
Tom was Amelia's plus one.

They were on that podium together with me closely behind.

Ed came out and Tom linked arms with Amelia and placed his head on her shoulder.

It was perfect.

SO incredibly perfect.

It sealed the whole night perfectly for me.

Thank you to everyone on this page, for sharing this amazing journey with us, and with Amelia.

As I have said previously, It does not matter how long you live....... it is about the quality, substance and love that you endure during this time.
During one lifetime.

Amelia has had SO much in her short life and has asked me to thank every single one of you.

She is still on cloud 9!

She met "My Ed".



A Journalist has contacted me over the weekend about us.

I am extremely honoured and yet hesitant in responding.

I have my protective little village now and we all feel safe and cocooned in giving Amelia the most amazing life possible.
Tommy's upbringing is also protected and helped by those that are close.

Do we need more media and coverage of our plight?

What is our plight and do we create or help an important issue in disability now?

I just don't know.

Just feel so safe and happy right now and do not want to destroy this incredibly funny, sarcastic and loved home with humorous politics and simple campaigning.

Amelia's wish came true on the weekend though.

She met Ed Sheeran.

Cannot get any better than that!

Thank you to all that helped.


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