Monday 12 March 2018

Ed Sheeran Part 1


(I am yelling with excitement BECAUSE WE MET ED SHEERAN!!!!)

Amelia's preparation for the meeting was extremely thorough and every single detail thought about carefully.

Every single item in the hamper had a strong sentimental meaning behind it.
Cat toy and bow tie for his well loved cats.
Maltesers from car karaoke with some famous TV host.
A cat/unicorn pen (cat-Ed unicorn-Amelia)
A Unicorn horn! (No question! Totally Amelia!)

If I was to ever formally be called her slave, it would be the last 48 hours, with the amount she wanted to do to prepare!!!!

Hamper items- check
Hair cut- check
New Dress- check

As we wheeled Amelia out to the car, I had to take a massive breath.
Amelia looked stunning and SO much older!

We arrived at the venue 1 hour earlier than the meeting time.
As many of you know, I am late for EVERYTHING and this was NOT going to be the time to be late!!!!

Finding the meeting point was extremely difficult and after I eventually contacted the manager, he gave us another location that was just as confusing.
When we eventually found him, I was a stressed out mess.
We waited for him the manager to finish his cigarette (hilarious!) and then we began "the long walk".

(Throughout this Amelia was beautifully calm).

The next part was fun!
We felt like we were at Hogwarts (Harry Potter) being led through all the dungeons and hallways to the secret meeting place.
We went through carparks, service entries and basement hallways to eventually be led into a small room.

Phone calls were being made by management and security were quietly chatting.

A conversation about what it is like to work with Ed and how hard it is on family and friends was occurring.

My head was turned to the left as I spoke to Amelia and Tom.
I turn my head to the right and LOOK STRAIGHT AT HIM standing next to me.


INSERT Amanda and how she would respond......
Have a guess?!
Lets discuss my embarrassing moment, shall we....

Ed is exactly the same height as me and his glasses make his eyes look very big.
He is staring at me with that smile everyone sees in the media.

I throw my head back and yell "OH WOW!  UMMM HI".


He laughed and hugged and kissed me on the cheek!
He hugged Amelia and shook hands with Tom, Scott and my brother Stuart.

He picked up THE hamper and asked Amelia "What's this?".

Amelia spoke beautifully (hard with A-T) and explained a few items.
There were a few "OMG" and "OH WOW" from Ed.
He was obviously very touched by at least 2 items.

He asked Amelia if it was her first concert and we helped her to explain Bruno Mars on Wednesday night. He asked about Rod Laver Arena and if the concert was good........

INSERT second foot in mouth moment for Amanda......
Because I talk before I think, I chose to speak about how I could not see BRUNO dancing due to all the pyrotechnics! And that concerts are so loud now.

Thankfully I realised I was stuffing up again and reminded Amelia that she had a question...

"Did you really break your leg when you were 6 years old" she asked.

"No" he answered.
"My older brother did, but it sounded better if I said I did in the song".

I reminded Tom that he had a question.

Tom asked "How did you get people to listen and follow you initially?'

"The right people listened to me early on, but did not like me" he said.

"But I just kept trying and kept pushing, never giving up.
I could decide to be an astronaut tomorrow and I promise you, that in 20 years time, I will be in space.
 Hard work ALWAYS pays off. Try and you WILL succeed".

Best piece of advice for Tom.

After Tom's comments last week, I was determined to have a major focus on Tom AS WELL as Amelia.

Tom gave a Melbourne Demons Football Club Football donated by the club proudly.
Ed happily agreed to a photo with Tom and the footy.

He then questioned the successful teams, and suggested Hawthorn, after their win when he was pre entertainment at the Grand Final a few years ago.

My brother showed his Richmond Tigers Tattoo up his entire forearm and he and Scott explained the Grand Final of last year.

Tom said "Our team are up and coming! We are the future!"

Then it ended.

Scott ended with the perfect comment....

"Amelia watches all of your media coverage and enjoys all of your songs in her chair.
Her one wish in this whole wide world was to meet you.
Thank you SO much for making her wish come true.
She calls you MY ED".

He hugged Amelia and I.
Verbally said goodbye to Tom, Scott and Stuart.

After about 6 minutes.
He was gone.


But the whole experience was like the car crash we had years ago.

The whole world slowed and everything was in slow motion.
We all absorbed and watched every single thing......

But then afterwards we all asked each other
"What the hell just happened?!

But then the whirlwind continued.

I will write more tomorrow.

This chicken is exhausted xxx

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