Saturday 10 March 2018

1 sleep to go

Hello friends,

Tomorrow is D day.....

OR Ed day!!!!!!!!

As I have said on many occasions, I am not equipped to deal with this kid!

It is like she is from another universe sometimes because she can speak the most profound words that it makes you stop and ask why?!
How did you think to say that?!?!

Why are you saying something so profound and mature when you are so young?
Why are you saying something so inspiring and personally directed at someone, when you are sooooo young?!?!

I have a million faults and regularly question why she has been given to me, BUT I also know it is for a reason.
I am dedicating my whole life to her (and Tom) for a reason.

To create the most amazing life that I can possibly give them BOTH.

SHE has a short amount of time with us and it needs to be AMAZING.

HE needs to be not damaged and also live an amazing life.
But HE needs to also develop into an amazing adult.

I am not religious, but that is my purpose.

I am currently undergoing numerous tests for a possible neurological disease for pain and tingling in my body, BUT I know that no matter what, Amelia and Tom will always be the purpose in my life.

Putting all of that crap aside, Amelia looked at me tonight and quietly said...

"I just want to thank him".

"What for?" I asked her.

"For all the nice things he does for other people" she answered.

My sweet, sweet child.

1 more sleep and she will get to tell Ed Sheeran "thank you".


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