Sunday 1 April 2018

ICAN walk

Hello and HAPPY EASTER 2018!!!!!!!

Thank you for your beautiful responses to Tom's 50km walk.
Reading all the messages, really made our hearts swell.

I was like an annoying leech throughout the whole experience.
I was there at the beginning and every single spot, until the end.

I drove past these amazing walkers, IN A CAR, and waited approximately 50 minutes each time, till they met me at the next destination.
EVERY stop!

(Tom's diabetes levels made me do it)

I chose to TOOT the horn a zillion times EVERYTIME I passed anyone with a white ICAN t-shirt, on my way to the next stop.
It made me feel better for driving the whole way!

At one point, I saw Tom look at me and roll his eyes, but I just tooted more!

At the halfway point, in front of many others, he came and kissed and hugged me.
"Thank you for helping me through this" he said in front of anyone listening.

I almost cried until I looked at all of the other adults around us.

Parents walking WITH their kids, parents providing snacks and lunch at ALL stops for ALL kids AND teachers WALKING to supervise everyone.
Adults everywhere supporting.
I was just supporting MY own and with HIS Type 1 Diabetes.
Who knows the reasons for other adults!

Absolutely mind blowing!

NO ONE could name a time that RCH had helped them or their family.
They were just doing it!

My family and I waited 60 minutes for Tom to come into distance at the end.

For Tom to begin the finish stretch.

4pm and we are waiting for a walk to finish that began at 7am.

None of us had a dry eye as he approached the finish line.

As I yelled at the people who stood in front of Amelia to MOVE!.....

We all screamed, clapped and blew whistles.

He had made it.

I think I had held my breathe the entire day.
I think I had been stressing about it since he signed up 6 weeks before!

Of all the 30 Primary School aged kids, no one had asked to go on the bus or get in a car, at any point.
It was amazing to witness.

I did not just cheer and congratulate Tom at the end....
I cheered and congratulated many children and adults.

It was a race I had no way of completing myself.

In the end they raised over $145,000 for a hospital that has saved our daughters life repeatedly and keeps her alive now.


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