Saturday 14 December 2019

Struggling Post 113456

Hello anyone that still reads my crap!

This could be an incredibly confusing blog or one that could receive a nobel prize.

Lets go with the first thought.......

We will begin with Amelia's "Make a Wish".

Unfortunately I did what I always swear I would never do....

"Happy Facebook!".

The pressure to make "JUST ONE" wish is a lot on the actual person and family surrounding them.

As many of you know, Amelia decided to finally use her wish to meet Ed Sheeran.
That couldn't happen.....
And lots of potential wishes happened in between!

The final result was travelling to Sydney to see a television show that Amelia adores called "The Living Room" on Channel 10 being filmed.

Seemed easy enough!

As we arrived at the airport and unpacked all the bags, I asked where "Amelia's backpack" was.

My job was Amelia............ and Scott and Tom's was themselves and all bags into the car.

End Result?

No insulin, finger pricker or monitor for Amelia.
No Ipad.
No sunhat, sunglasses and sunscreen for Amelia.

The fury I was feeling was alleviated when the Qantas check in lady left her desk and insisted on leading us towards a fancy lounge WITH SMORGASBORD breakfast!

(Thank goodness for a second Type 1 Diabetic with insulin, monitor and needles!).

On the flight they stopped all entertainment (TV and music) to announce about "the very important person on board by the name of Amelia Nicholds".

Her squealing for the next 10 minutes showed the rest of the plane it was her.

When we landed, Scott and Tom chose to go and get our luggage while Amelia and I were treated like royalty in the cockpit with the pilots.

As we arrived to meet Scott, he said "Our taxi driver said no one is allowed to exit these doors, so we exit further along. We have spent the last 10 minutes watching people exit THOSE no exit doors".

We left through those doors.

The driver then proceeded to tell us about his views on the pathetic economy in our country and his NO CARE for the horrific bushfires nearby.


Our hotel and the staff working there were phenomenal.
They treated us like royalty.

We only had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to do everything.

Wednesday was totally "The Living Room".

So Tuesday I devoted to "Bondi Rescue" as Amelia and Tom love watching the TV show.

I was adamant to get them to Bondi Beach.
It was our only free day.

We arrived to "HIGH SMOG ALERT'.


Scott is asthmatic.

I can do it, I said.
I can get them to Bondi.

We were staying in Surrey Hills.


I repeat HILLS.


We get to the bus stop 1 km of HILLS away and wait for the correct bus.

(Thank you Tom for your new found biceps!)

We travel the 45 mins to Bondi Beach through curvy streets, with Tom and I standing next to Amelia.

I get car sick.

Something I suffer in extreme situations.

I begin leaning against my arm holding the handle above......

"Mum you WILL make it" Tom begins.

"Mum are you ok?" Amelia asks thinking that I am unconscious!

As we reach the other end both kids assist ME off the bus.

We sit and wait while I have my head between my knees with a vomit bag.

"Do not text your dad about this" I announce to Tom.

You heard all the good bits about Bondi on .....

Amelia's Project

but this story is about the other stuff.

We decided to eat lunch after I recovered, undercover near the lifeguard tower shown on TV.

I immediately apologised to both children that I would be delivering them back to their father STONED due to the man who knew EVERYTHING smoking joint after joint nearby.

"We will need more money for munchies tonight" I may have said.

We got Uber Eats that night and it was soggy and crap!

(The kid ate a normal amount).

The next day was "The Wish".

We ate breakfast 2 doors away and then returned for "make up" and "hair".
A beautiful person that had donated her time for Amelia.

AMAZING person actually.

She had travelled 1 hour just for Amelia.

We arrived at The Living Room and were introduced to the stars quickly.

They were awesome.

Friendly, welcoming and inclusive.

Then they disappeared for filming.......

For the next 4 hours we looked at the back of Salvation Army Volunteers as they "pretended" to pack hampers for families.

We COULD NOT SEE the stage or hosts.
We could barely hear the talking.

4 hours of Amelia's actual wish with Scott and I joking around to relax and ease the issue.

On December 20th, we will be watching the show with you!

BUT Amanda Keller came up to me at the end and said "You have no idea how honoured we all are that SHE chose us. Please come back after March for a normal filming".

Amelia chose the Christmas Special as her wish because everyone leaves with presents (like an Ellen or Oprah show).

That did not happen.

The first time in her 8 years of watching that it did not happen.

That night, we bought 2 minute noodles for dinner at the convenience store up the hill, as everywhere else had steps or was fully booked (we walked for 90 minutes first).

The day after, we were meant to have a special tour of Taronga Zoo, but due to the continued smog, I explained that I could not do the hill of Taronga Zoo without Scott.

We went to the indoor Aquarium instead.

A beautiful Dugong was stuck in a 3 x 3 container looking incredibly depressed.
I filed a complaint.

We were lucky to finish with dinner and a ferry ride from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay.

My positive overall was "SEEING TOM" again.
My Tom.

The one who talks and makes eye contact.

Year 7 has brought a major change that is hard to live with.

As we left with all of the positivity I had GONE, the Qantas check in lady JUST CHECKED US IN.

Scott, Tom and Amelia walked away to find "Gate 20".

I may have stayed behind asking.......

"But aren't we meant to go to the lounge?!
The one with the smorgasbord?!"

"No Lounge obviously today Amanda. Just walk" Scott said.

Did I mention that Miss Lana passed away in Texas yesterday?

She had A-T and was Amelia's age.

She was amazing and Amelia's twin.

I am struggling to cope with this one.

There have been about 11 amazing and beautiful children Amelia's age now, since she was diagnosed.


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