Saturday 21 December 2019

A Perfect Life

Hello Fellow Inmates.

Just a quick post tonight due to the time and the fact I actually get a sleep in tomorrow!

This week, I realised that Amelia has been slowly teaching me the lesson of "Perfection".

Or "The Perfect Life".

Or "Expectations of life and others".

She has actually been teaching it to me this whole year.

Or maybe the last 16 years.

More explanation will come soon, as that sleep in is screaming at me to come to bed...........

But at 10:59pm tonight (no alcohol since June 24th, before you ask!) I realised what she meant.

"No one can be perfect. No one can ever be. We all get angry and make mistakes".


This week I have made massive mistakes with some people, been loyal to others, stood up for my values and been abused.

A mixture of positive and negative really ............

So just like some other recorded times on here.

My level of emotional intellect and knowledge changed when I learnt that my child was going to die.

We are now into our 10th year of supposed Palliative Care.

Best not to give me anymore extreme/major emotional baggage about people outside my immediate family, if you are not prepared to help or doing anything about it yourself.

That is Lesson Number 878.371.

As we end one child's first year of High School and I find myself questioning the importance of social stance and personality excellence compared to academic excellence.....

I am reminded of my own final day of Year 7..........

As the teacher announced it would be her final day at the school.......

I stood up and applauded in excitement....... ALONE.

My mum was called in for a meeting.

Does the apple really fall far from the tree with Tom and his supposed BIG personality?

He has done NOTHING like that!

(I unfortunately have many more stories about myself").

He has parents ringing me asking me if he is going to parties.
"If he isn't, my child isn't either".

He is repulsed already from cigarettes and alcohol because of me.

He and his father could stand up in a court of law and fight a battle for days, defending each others clients.

He hates drugs because of someone else close to him.

I think he is going to be fine.

Is anyone ever perfect?
Doesn't everyone make mistakes?

Or do some of us just stay honest instead of ignoring and withholding the truth?

Does it help us decide true friends that know and/or see it all?

Does it help us improve and/or change ourselves?

Or do we just accept who we are?

Constant analysis, observation, understanding and acceptance as we work our way through every individual we encounter in life, I think leads towards perfection.

But no one will ever receive the certificate.

It may lead you, but no one will ever reach it,
Even though many think they have........
(especially after alcohol or marijuana!).

Perfection for one will never be perfection for another.

If you walk into a room full of 100 people, would you genuinely like and get along in an everyday situation with every single person?


So how can you expect 100 people to genuinely like and get along in an everyday situation with YOU?

A constant life rule forever maybe.


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