Tuesday 3 December 2019

Changing a Life

Hello Friends,

Recently Amelia went through a sad and negative stage.

A stage where she became "fed up" with her life after receiving ANOTHER diagnosis to add to the list.

"I am having bad thoughts" were her exact words one night.

In her individual way, she was semi-suicidal and wondering if the future was really worth it.

We sat down with her and talked.

We organised time for her to speak to many around her that she adores about what changes could be made to help her appreciate and enjoy life as much as humanly possible again.

We talked about the all negatives and how to deal with them in the best way possible.

We let her be sad.
We let her cry.
We let her be angry.

We convinced her that it was finally time for her to seek professional help for her Mental Health.

When people asked her how she was going, she would say "I am dealing with my Mental Health right now thank you!"

I am happy to report that the "bad thoughts" have passed with the help of carers, friends, working with Horses, Kangaroo Joeys, making scrunchies and medical staff.

The earliest Appointment I could get with a psychologist was late January.........
So till then we wait for more help.


One of the negatives we spoke of, was the sudden decline of one of her friends at school.

Amelia mentioned it was hard to watch her no longer walking, eating and struggling to speak.

We reminded Amelia that this is how everyone felt when similar things happened to her 9 years ago.


Last week Amelia's school announced the passing of another student.

A mother that had to make the decision "to turn off the machine" by herself as her husband had already passed away.

Being the parent of a special needs child is a world that you struggle to live in.

I am feeling all the emotions for that mother.

Knowing one day that will be me.

As I dropped Amelia to school today , I saw staff wiping their eyes and wearing clothes perfect for a funeral.

"He was just so happy and he was just a beautiful boy" a staff member said.

He was 10 years old.

I walked to the car and cried my eyes out.


This past weekend Amelia spoke again about the decline of her friend.
How the child was sad and angry in class.

I chose to sit down and speak honestly to her about "that friend".

"Amelia I have to talk to you about your friend.

The doctors have said that they may not have long"

Amelia silently stared at me and just said "oh".

"I need you to REALLY be their friend right now" I said.

"How?" Amelia asked.

"Say hello to them,
smile at them,
put your hand on theirs when they are sad.

I want you to be the happiness they look forward to when they come to school.
I want you to make what time is left AMAZING" I tried to offer.

"How do I do that?" Amelia asked.

"In any bad situation in life you dig to the very pit of your stomach and to the very far most point of your brain to find a positive.

Think of your own plans and life right now and how they can join in your daily life in the coming weeks.

Have fun outside of school as well as inside!

Ask them to join you in your next hair colour change. We will do theirs too!

"But they are still so young. They cant die." she stated   (not remembering her own fate).

"You can live to 90 years old and have hated your entire life", I began.

"Family, friends, work, housing, clothing and food have always been depressing and a battle.

You can live to 18 and have been surrounded by so much love, happiness, friendship and laughter that this 18 years are something the 90 year old will never experience.

A life worth living and full of goodness.

Who lived the better life?

We can all change people lives with a smile, a message, a laugh, an invitation for fun and some effort to improve someones else's situation by helping them create an amazing life.

Rather than just thinking and doing something for just ourselves, it is a win/win doing something small for someone else.

We feel as good as they do" I explained.

Amelia came home yesterday and said I made sure we had fun today and we laughed lots.
I loved it.


As I drove away from Amelia's school this morning with tissues wiping my eyes thinking of a 10 year old's funeral, I reached to the pit of my stomach and the far most point of my brain to find my positive for the day..........

This is what I found.........

As we were driving to school , twenty minutes earlier, Amelia suddenly squealed and yelled "Ha HA!!!!!" as she realised something.


Yes you can.

I first learnt it 9 years ago.......
With yours.

But Miss Amelia if only you knew of the hundreds of lives YOU have already changed for the better.

Mostly mine.

R.I.P Toby.
May you fly high and beyond.


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