Wednesday 31 May 2017

THAT performance

Hello dear friends,

I have hassled you a lot recently about Amelia and her choice for the "Talent Show" at school camp.

I feel I need to explain why it has meant so much and been such an emotional event for many close to Amelia.

The words in the song are pleading for guidance.

The words are Amelia pleading for explanation and help to navigate this life she has been dealt
(We have discussed this).

Amelia has steadily increased in anxiety in recent years and never likes to be "centre of attention".
(Why is everyone staring at me?)

Amelia does not like to inconvenience people.
(I need a drink of water, but everyone looks really busy).

She does not like to speak up when she is uncomfortable or unhappy
(It will make them sad or angry).

She has been through SO much in her short life that has frightened her and made her question the quality and unfairness of her own existence
(once again we have discussed this).

This song AND this performance was so much more than a child singing on a microphone.

It was someone standing up to their anxiety to communicate a very personal feeling to some of those that she loves dearly.

It was a little girl saying "Why?"
"Am I doing this right?"
"You are holding my hand"

"I am a survivor".

A little girl pleading to know about her own life and why it is the way it is.

This song has helped her come out the other side of A-T, Ovarian cancer, Type 1 Diabetes and severe anxiety.

Today as staff members tried to convey the emotion in the room, after knowing Amelia for 5+ years, it made me so proud.
To have one staff member, who we all adore greatly, have to leave the room to sob........

This is massive.

I regularly question my ability to be her mother.

Today I was proud to know that I am.


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