Sunday 23 April 2017

Logie Night

Hello dear friends,

I have had so much pleasure sharing with you all the most amazing experience we had tonight on Facebook.

During the week, I was contacted by the CEO of Challenge.
A wonderful "cancer organisation" that organises many things for children, siblings and families that have or have had cancer.

A few weeks ago I had a wonderful conversation with one of the employees there about the amazing things they have done for Tom (camp) and our family as a whole (Sandringham Yacht Club sailing day).
The conversation moved to what has been offered to Amelia.
I was honest and explained that she cannot attend the camps unless they provide 24 hour one on one care and have Tom go too to settle her anxiety.
She said "leave it with me. That is not good enough".

This week the CEO called me and asked what we were doing Sunday.
We had plans for the WHOLE day, but if HE was ringing me, I thought it best to say "Nothing!".

"I may need you at Crown Casino at 4pm on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday" was all he said.
End of phone call.

Rang poor Jason and said "Sorry you can no longer come for a BBQ on Sunday. I have NO idea what is going on!".

The CEO, David, rings me back and says "I need you at Crown at 3:30pm on Sunday. It may be Friday or Saturday too though".

"Ok. Why?" I respond.
"Amelia is going to meet Dr Chris Brown" he says.

I sit down.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Do not tell her, do not tell anyone. It has to be a huge surprise".

So then began the battle of not saying anything to her.
Amelia and I live in each others pockets.
We know when something is not quite right with the other.
I was SO excited and could not say a damn thing!

So I told Tom.
Then Scott.
Then Meredith and Michelle.
And of course Nicola, Laurie and Kate.
Oh and my parents needed to know of course.

Then I remembered Aunty Donna told Amelia "If you ever meet Dr Chris Brown, I better be there" 18 MONTHS AGO!
Amelia does not forget this shit!!!
She only repeated the conversation to me again the other day.
She will look at this very famous man and her natural empathy will kick in.
She will look at me straight away and say "But Aunty Donna is not here".

Aunty Donna is asked to come BUT has no idea what she is doing or where she is going.
It is an absolute pleasure to have her come along for the ride.

The dress for Amelia to wear was an easy choice.
I deliver medications to some awesome elderly and disabled people that are unable to get to the chemist every Thursday.
One beautiful, amazing 79 year old soul insisted Amelia have this gorgeous dress 2 weeks ago.
It was like fate.

We have to meet David in the lobby of the Crown Promenade Hotel.

We start driving and Tom says "So where do we have to meet Chris Brown?".

I thought I may kill him.

Thankfully Amelia did not hear due to the radio.
(mental note: never tell Tom a secret again though!).

We get to the lobby.
We sit with David and after some small talk, THEY all start appearing.
Logie Night attendees are staying there and beginning to come down to the lobby.
(to anyone overseas, the logies are like the American Emmy"s in Australia).

THEY are walking all around us.
The News.
The Bachelor.
The Bachelorette.
Home and Away.
The Project.
Celebrity get me out of here.
Family Feud.
Master Chef.
The Block.

Tom Gleisner suddenly approaches as he is Chairman of Challenge.
He is SO nice and friendly.
He was so kind and caring to Amelia.
He was so friendly to all of us.

Tom sees Sam Pang and gets him to come over.

Funniest guy.
I was quite proud that I retaliated with a couple of comments, to the point where he gave me a head tilt and smile and continued baiting me! (I may have a career in radio yet!).

The whole time, Scott, Donna and I are like pathetic stalkers pointing out people and jumping in our seats!

Chrissy Swan.
Peter Hellier.
That know off that show!

Yes. It was a bit like that!

Then HE came.

Chris Brown walked over and sat right next to Amelia and said hello.

Her eyes!
Her face!

She answered his questions beautifully with her body in the stiffest position!
She kept it together so well!

When he left, we had to leave because we were actually in a "logie attendee" only area.

On the way out we met Grant Denyer and Lee Freedman.

When we were all alone at the elevator, Amelia started squealing.
It was a happy noise and the only way she knew how to react, I think!

Scott and Tom had a photo with 2 famous cricketers (Scott will have to name them!).

Poor Donna burst into tears because she was so not prepared for all of the excitement and famous faces.
It was very overwhelming.

We finally arrived at a restaurant.
Everyone is happily debriefing and I look at Amelia.
She is staring into space and smiling.
"What was your favorite part?" I asked.
"What do you think?" she answered laughing.

Dr Chris Brown of course.

 Beautiful Aunty Donna
 Tom Gleisner
 Dr Chris Brown
 Dr Chris Brown.
 Some famous cricketers.
 The awesome man who organised all this.

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