Saturday 8 April 2017

Final Blog

Hello dear friends,

This will be my last blog post.

This is not a decision that has come lightly, but one I need to protect my heart.

In the past 6 years that I have been writing, I have felt so much love and support from every single one of you.
You have travelled with us through the amazing highs and the devastating lows that is Ataxia Telangiectasia.

I can no longer handle the negative thoughts and messages from those that are supposed to be friends.
To know that people despise you for writing and expressing has almost destroyed me this week.
I understand that you do not know what I am talking about, but imagine a massive group of people disliking you based on what you write.

Please know that having you all follow our journey has been "the lift" we needed on many an occasion.

I will continue "Amelia's Project page" on FB with the occasional message of how our amazing girl is going.

I cannot please everyone and so therefore I give up in trying.

I can now count my true friends on one hand, because of what I write and post on Facebook.
These areas seems to be the main point of judgement, jealousy and hatred.

Before I go, look at the amazing child in the picture below.

Amelia is my everything.
As well as Scott and Tom.

I hope that she has inspired you all to appreciate and love life.
She is amazing and deserves your love, even if her mum stuffs up a lot.


P.S. Don't bother commenting on this blog.
It will just make matters worse xxx

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