Monday 24 April 2017

DR Chris Brown Letter

Thank you for your enthusiasm about our awesome night last night.
It was a bit surreal waking up this morning and asking "did that just happen?!".

Going into yesterday, I thought seriously about how to make the most of this amazing opportunity.
When I was on The Circle, I made it my aim to create awareness of Ataxia Telangiectasia.

Yesterday I chose to make it my aim to thank this person for making a difference in someone's life.

I handed this letter directly to Dr Chris Brown.

Dear Dr Chris Brown,

Thank you for meeting with us today, especially with Amelia.

We had NO idea that Challenge was organising such an amazing experience for Amelia.

In a questionnaire last year, she listed you as her favourite TV personality.

This will be something to remember for a lifetime.

She absolutely adores you and I am proud to say that you have made her laugh on many occasions.

Whenever she sees you on TV, she breaks into the biggest smile.

But her favourite show is The Living Room.

Every Friday night, she comes home from school and reminds me she has to watch it that night.

She adores the combination of you and Miguel together and laughs a lot during the episode.

We have explained Barry’s health issues and I believe she definitely feels a connection with him.

She thinks Amanda overruling you all is awesome, because she is a female!

Amelia has Ataxia Telangiectasia and we only learnt about it when she was 7 years old.

She used to be able to walk, talk and feed herself.

She can’t do any of that now………at 13 years of age.

A-T is also terminal.

Last year she also got Ovarian Cancer.

A “double whammy” so to speak.

Our son, Tommy, was also diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 3 years ago.

He needs 3 insulin needles a day.

I do not want this to be a negative letter.

We are actually a very positive family.

Laughs and happiness are worth a million dollars to us.

I do not write this asking for anything.

This letter is to thank YOU only.

When Amelia was diagnosed in 2010, I made it my mission to give her the most amazing life in the unknown timeframe mentioned.

My motto is “No regrets at the end”.

I have given up work and my husband has been demoted so that we can achieve the emotionally stable life we need for both our kids.

By YOU seeing her today, you have been part of this “amazing life”.

Scott and I met when we were 15 years old.

We never thought our life would be like this.

BUT we are being taught life is not about money, possessions and holidays.

It is about the legacy left behind.

Meeting with you will be with them forever.

Thank you

Amanda Nicholds

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