Sunday 29 January 2017


Hello everyone.

I have written many entries, both on this blog and the previous one about Amelia, Tom and I.

There are possibly 2 blogs that focus on Scott.
He is not an extrovert, like me.
(insert laugh here!).

For those that do not know, Scott is my husband and the kids father.

We met in 1990 and fell madly in love very quickly.

At 15 years old, we realised we had found each others soul mate.
We both had amazing friends and were able to still enjoy those relationships as well as our own......

For each of us there was an emotional, intellectual and physical connection, between each other, that surpassed anything either of us had experienced.

We could talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
And we did.

Scott supported me through the final years of high school and agreed with my dad about "study and grades".
He also supported me through 3 years of University.

As much as I argued with them both, I understand the importance now.

When I first saw Scott, he was already working full time.
I actually declined a "movie date" because I found him "big and scary!".
He was muscly, in overalls and I was in a private girls school dress.
I had never had a "serious" boyfriend.

After our first encounter......... (cough)......kiss,
He did not call me.

When I saw him 6 days later at Macca's (of course!),
I marched in and demanded his phone number and requested to know what he was doing the following night.
That was the first sign of the person I was going to become.
(Miss Sarah Williams may remember this encounter!).

I still have his phone number written on a piece of scrap paper in green eye liner.
(thank you Sarah!).

We supported each other.
We grew together.


We did not grow apart, as others predicted.

We grew closer.

Scott and I may be so very different in so many different ways.
We may have so many different interests and stereotype personalities.

But we have always met back in the middle.

We listen, accept and understand, even though we are different in many ways.
We let each other be individuals.

We are individuals.

A persons work life is very different to their home life.
You can hear stories and scenarios, but it is very one sided.
You only hear your partners side.

Because of my more talkative and extrovert personality, I heard about the other side of Scott's work life very quickly.
He would have been about 21 years old when I began having conversations about his work "persona".
As he worked his way up to management positions.....

Grown men would get emotional telling me about how much he had made and helped them grow and develop, not only as a person, but also an employee.

I would come home proud, but not surprised.

I cannot say that he is proud of the work ethic and the culture he creates, because he is not someone that "gloats".
I also truly believe he does not see it like I do.
And the people who have worked with him.

I have always had to hear it from others.

Every workplace that Scott has been at since, I have heard it from those that adore him.
Whether it be emails, phone calls, Facebook or face to face.
People want me and us to know the difference he made in their lives.

There are so many, I cannot possibly list them all.


Because he cares about the person before the profit.

He understands the persons wellbeing and self esteem not only makes this 1 lifetime they have, it also makes a happy person on the phone.

=life goals

But friendship, loyalty and trust comes first.

That is HUGE.

He adores the people he works with and for.

He genuinely cares about every single individual that works with OR for him.
He cares about their personal life as well as their work life.
Scott genuinely grows to adore each person, because he understands that they are an individual.

He worries about them and keeps a personal, as well as Professional, eye on them.
Only because he cares for them.


Trust and loyalty can go a very long way in Customer Service and business.
But it can be parallel in creating amazing friendships too.

Scott knows that.

A happy person is a happy Customer Service Person.
You can help create a happy person to work with and come and see everyday.
You can help a person to develop their work capabilities.
You can HELP a person see their strengths, rather that everyone focus on their weaknesses.

Last year I was privileged to join him in saying goodbye to so many people that have shaped his life, on and off, in the last 15 years.
People that he has helped to see their own strengths and positives.
But they have also helped him see his own.
I thank them all individually for that.

So many workplaces focus on negatives and weaknesses.

Scott does not do that.
Each person is an individual and has SO much to offer according to him.
Everyone has a strength.
Everyone can work, but not overly stress on their weakness.
Weaknesses can easily turn into a strength.

Saying all of this, I totally understand the scenario when I began Kindergarten Teaching.

60% cannot like you.
It is totally impossible.

Walk into a room of total strangers and it is impossible for them all to like you.
YOU could not walk into a room and have them all like you.


I am sure he has had mistakes and fucked up.
But isn't that my whole point?

We are all human.
We need to build trust, loyalty and friendship to create profit.

BUT work is also a MAJOR part of our week.

Lets try the positive approach of getting results (and Scott has consistently proved that this works for 2 decades).

Trust and loyalty creates friendship too.

I am greatful for the amount of friendships that Scott has walked away with too.

Scott has chosen to leave his last workplace so that he still holds on to his current work ethic that people come before profit.

Because it will BUILD profit.

And it did.
But not enough for "them".

They thought the opposite would create even more.

Scott absorbs his own feelings for those people and the knowledge of their capabilities.

That may sound wrong on many levels, until you research MANY entrepeneurs that say..........

Look after your employees first and foremost and they will look after the customers and the business.
(Richard Branson is one.....).

It is so true.

As I have mentioned MANY times, my life is not as I predicted.
Scott is the same.

When we met 27 years ago, this was not the way we thought our life would go.

As he battles the world of applying for jobs, I need him to know what an amazing person he is and the legacy he has left behind in the previous years of work.

Scott is an employee businesses should crave for.

His biggest achievement, besides the change he has made in people working for him, is my growth as an adult and Amelia and Tom from birth.

The quiet ones are sometimes the most magical.


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