Tuesday 10 January 2017

A New Year

Hello Everyone,

New year, new goals and new aspirations.

I am so incredibly proud of Amelia and her ability to come out the other end of PTSD.
She has actually come out the other end incredibly energetic, sarcastic and demanding!
More so, than before the cancer was diagnosed.

But I also estimate that the tumour was growing for approximately 2 years previously, looking at blood test results since 2014.
She has obviously been very sick and battling for quite a while.

Cannot wait to pick up energetic Tom from Type 1 Diabetes Camp tomorrow.
I know he will have had an awesome time and it will, like usual, be a battle to get him in the car.
This is his 4th one!
Looking forward to having Mister enthusiastic and energetic back in the house.

I have deleted the FB off my phone to try and focus on areas of my life that are so much more important.
Looking forward to focusing on family, our house, cooking and the book I started years ago again.

You do not realise the emotional toll that FB takes on your mind, body and life, until you really sit back and reassess.

Reading, commentating and sharing sad and emotionally upsetting blogs, comments and sites takes it toll.......
At least for people who really absorb it.

We have A LOT going on here and that and they will now be my immediate focus.

Last year took a ridiculously major toll on Scott and I and I have to stop investing myself in others and their children.
(Meredith and Gary/Julia not included in this comment. We will always be there for them).

Our life is hard enough without taking on others.

Catching up with friends for coffee and BBQ's will be my new contact outside the home.
VERY old school!

Cannot wait for a totally fucked up year!
(Please read previous blogs for clarification on above statement!)


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