Tuesday 14 February 2017

Hello dear friends.

Tonight I have bombarded people on Amelia's Project Facebook page with photo's of Amelia and her gorgeous friend Jackson on Valentine's Day.

I have been laying in bed wondering WHY this is so important.

Why tonight has meant so much to me    .....   and for her.

Jackson and Amelia have celebrated (and been teased) about this day for almost 5 years.

They buy each other gifts,   of their own asking  , and ask to spend the afternoon together.

WHY is it so special?

Is it the memories that we as parents can have in the future?

Is it the "silent" connection they have with each other that many wish for?

Is it the acceptance and understanding of each other in their different disabilities and difficulties?

Is it the future of marriage and children that they will NEVER have?


I look at my posts and blogs about Tom and his unique personality....
His clever maths skills and his incredibly compassionate nature with Amelia.
His competitive nature and my worry about a suitable High School.


Because he has a future.

He has a future to become something amazing.

He is probably like so many other children, but he is the one I can look into the future for.

Someone who is not "terminal".

A person to make a real difference in the world and for his future wife/husband and family.

He has a pathway available to him.
A pathway that is ready and able to take him on it, if he chooses to walk it.

But a school may help him WALK it.
I need to find him THAT school.

(Absolutely NO mention is EVER made to Tom about this, before you question!).

Then there is the posts I write about Scott and I.

We met when we were 15.

We are both 42 now.

We have a 13 year old child who is terminal and at a Special School.

We have a 10 year old Type 1 Diabetic.

We have not separated and divorced.

We have grown closer with the stress and worry.

We are a house full of love and talking.

We are a house full of stress and anxiety

We are a house full of LOVE and SUPPORT.

This house is not full of ignoring, sibling rivalry or work stress.

We have lovingly created a house of love and emotional support through lack of money.

BUT we also have the niggly disagreements!
ANYONE would with financial stress!

We have learnt that friendships come and go.

BUT love and commitment stays.

A TRUE connection stays.


Amelia and Jackson have shown me sooooo much in the last 5 years.


And living and loving life, no matter what the circumstances.

(Photo taken 2 years ago).

This is why I cannot sleep.

These 2 people are helping to shape my thoughts and my future.

The WHOLE school that they attend does.
THE most amazing children.

But I had 2 of them (one being my own!) in our house tonight.

One other, Tom, is being formed and shaped based on what he regularly sees and helps with here.

Scott and I are merely the moulders, like an artist in clay.

We mould and learn while Tom is shaped into his adult form.

Amelia is constantly requiring "adjusting" and "reminding" with the loss of her brain.

Tom needs to take over at some stage.
We need to be the guiders, rather than the shapers at sometime.

Amelia will be a constant.

Thank you Amelia and Jackson (and soooooo many others).
You are teaching so many.

Maybe it is not about the FUTURE, but about the lessons of NOW.

Maybe you are teaching many about each and every minute of NOW.
Appreciating the NOW.

We are ashamed of who we used to be compared to now.

Your compassion, understanding and acceptance is an example of who should "take over the world".


Thankyou for coming into my life and our lives.

You have changed me and us for the better.


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