Friday 20 January 2017


Hello Everyone.

Today was the end of an era for Scott and I.

The last surviving member of our very first family, before human children arrived, closed her eyes for the last time this morning.
Below is a photo of our first "children".

Scott and I are approximately 27 years old in this photo.
Annie is in my arms and Tessa is in Scott's.
They were half sisters.

Barney is at the front.

We treated them like humans and spoke to them like they understood.

The bond between us and our "fur babies" has always been strong.
They were family members and will always be treated as such....even in our memories.

I have always had a massive love of animals and believe they should be part of every family.
Their personalities and the laughter and love they bring is indescribable.
And the loyalty.
No one describe the loyalty.

Barney passed away 9 years ago unexpectedly and left a massive hole in our family.
You could almost tell him to turn around 3 times and go and stand in front of the fridge and he would.
He was incredibly clever.

Tessa was the neurotic one. She suffered severe anxiety, but Annie always kept her settled.
Tessa was incredibly affectionate, but could also be incredibly frightened easily.

My mum purchased the cats for us after our very first cat was hit by a car at 1 years old.
Mum could not stop us crying for 48 hours and told us to "get in the car".
She had found 2 kittens that no one else wanted.

They ignored us for years, quite happy with each others company.
Then one night they started sitting on our laps craving attention and love.
We could definitely give it in abundance.

But they were demanding!
They did not shy away from telling us what they wanted.
If a person entered the house, they did not hesitate in howling at them, almost demanding to know "who are you and what are you doing here", before jumping on their lap!.

Tessa was the first to shower Amelia with love.
In the mornings when Amelia first woke up and in bed at night she would crawl under the doona and purr against Amelia's chest. Annie snuck in sometimes, but Tessa was very protective of Amelia.

Tessa passed away suddenly 12 months ago and Annie instantly took her place in caring for Amelia.

When Amelia woke up in the mornings Annie would cry very loudly until Amelia was sitting in her power chair. She would howl AT HER on the toilet to hurry up, which gave us many laughs.

When Amelia returned from hospital last year, Annie refused to leave Amelia's side all day and all night.......for months.

In this last week Annie had gone downhill and showed her 19 long years of age.
An exceptional innings and one we all know was filled with love and attention.

For the last two days I have pointed out to the children how she was uncomfortable and struggling with toileting.
We decided as a family it "was time".

I will never, ever forget though, gently handing Annie to Amelia and saying "You need to say goodbye".

Amelia's beautiful, caring face fell apart with emotion as she cuddled her treasured companion one last time.
We all cried with her.
It was absolutely heartbreaking to witness.

How do you say goodbye to a family member?

Annie peacefully passed away this morning in my arms.
For 19 years she was my baby and for Scott and I she was the last surviving member of our very first children.

I have explained to Amelia that Annie is now waiting for her at The Rainbow Bridge.
They will be together again one day.

RIP beautiful Annie.

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