Wednesday 27 March 2019

March 27th 1999

Hello beautiful people,

Today is Scott and my 20th wedding anniversary.

3 days ago it was the "29 years together, anniversary".

The photo's you will see below, were when we lived an immensely carefree and happy life....

A very fulfilling and prosperous life......

Scott and my joyful, stressless life is evident in the photo's.

A lot has changed since then.

2 children came to ground us and remind us of the importance in giving and acceptance.

The reminder that friends and family will help you keep your head above the water line.

A reminder that money and employment accolades are nothing compared to you being told
"give HER an amazing life".

To sit back and realise
"HE needs one too".

Scott and I met when he and I were 15 years old.

"Why have you not called me yet?" I demanded after our first kiss 2 weeks earlier!

The beginning memories of him are always with his 2 best friends.

I am grateful that we are still in touch with Danny and Ben.

I will always have a connection with them, no matter what.

I met my soul mate in 1990.
I was 15 years old.

We have had many ups and downs.

Sooooo many.

Mainly due to stress over the kids diagnosis's.

I do not know if I have had much time to treat him like a king, or for him to treat me like a queen.

But we know respect, love and acceptance of each other.

We know a pledge of understanding, acceptance and appreciation in difficult times.

We are doing the best we can in a difficult situation.

Laughing still happens often.

Below is the photo expressions of a man that made me laugh immediately.

The moment I met him.

Scott is my partner in life.

Many years after we met it was fate and for a purpose.

We have had many years of "medical partnership" for the kids through diagnosis.

Love you all immensely.

(And yes! one of Amelia's carers is forcing us to go out for lunch, on our own, on Saturday!)



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