Tuesday 8 May 2018

How Would You Feel? By Tommy Nicholds

How Would You Feel?

By Tommy Nicholds

11 Years Old.

How would you feel if your sibling could not walk for the rest of their life?

Well, my sister can't, because she has a brain disease by the name of Ataxia Telangiectasia.

Yes, It's a mouthful!

It is also commonly known as A-T.

Today I am going to be talking about how it affects my life and also how we can find a cure.

Over the last year and 3 months, Mum and Amelia, my sister, have gone into hospital at least 5 times, which is very hard being separated from each other.

The occasion that I will be talking about today was in June 2016, when Amelia was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer (which is one of the complications of A-T).

I don't know the exact date, but it was a Friday night after school, and I was told to got to my Poppy's house, when the school bell went.

Mum always picks me up.

(Around June 2016)

When I got to  my Poppy's house, they sat me down and we had a discussion with Amelia and Mum on FaceTime.

Amelia was really sick and no one knew why.

Mum and Poppy seemed scared.

Amelia was crying about the tests they were doing to Amelia.

That night I was very worried, because no one knew what was going on.
Everyone seemed worried and scared.

The following next week, the doctors found out that Amelia had a 14 cm wide tumour, which was full with 1 Litre of Fluid.

I didn't know much about cancer, but I still broke down in tears , because I knew it was dangerous.

That week I was very down and emotional because I didn't get to see anyone in the family, since dad still had to work.
I couldn't help but cry in bed some nights.

I really love Amelia and always have.

I am only 11 years old.

My teacher was very supportive that week, because I would come in each morning and fill her in with all the news.

During the day she would sit our whole class down and explain what was happening with Amelia and then all the other kids in my class would share their stories about families and friends that have experienced cancer and other scares.

It was a week before my 10th Birthday (2016), and I was begging mum to come home for the weekend.
I began begging mum to come home for my 10th birthday weekend.
They did, which restored my happiness.

(I now Know how much work this took)

An hour before my birthday party, Mum explained that Amelia had become a lot worse.

They had to leave straight after the party to return to RCH.

I was devastated and it was in the back of my mind during my entire 10th birthday party.

Mum and Amelia are about to leave indefinitely.
Amelia may die from this.

Will Amelia return from this operation that everyone is so scared about?

Two days later, doctors performed an operation to get the massive ovarian tumour out of Amelia.

People all over the world wore pink to show their support of Amelia.

That day I was feeling nervous about Amelia and nervous and this operation.

I began to channel my happiness into seeing all of my friends wearing pink at school, and seeing Amelia and Mum later that week.

The Operation was a success.

Now I am coming back to the present day, where Amelia wakes up smiling, laughing and playing with her friends, every single day.

That to me is true inspiration..

Thankyou for listening to my story about our family.

I hope I made a difference.

Amelia is amazing.

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