Tuesday 1 May 2018

Hello Friends,

I recently published this blog without finishing it properly.

I would like to finish it properly now!

We are all travelling really well right now and I am so incredibly proud of us all.
We are surviving and all feel SO loved.

(I will update about Amelia's hands and NOW feet at a later stage.
Degression and A-T are savage and nasty.)

Please enjoy some ok stuff for now.

I recently passed someone so bitter and mean, in the street, that it made me actually happy.
They are gone out of our lives now!

Toxic people are now gone.
100% gone!

Scott has just changed employment.
It is a role that took 2.5 months of tests and interviews to get and we are all incredibly proud of him, for surviving "the cull".

Scott has always had an amazing logic, street intellect and vibe.
It is a job that he will be able stay with for life.

Amelia has adapted to her new carers so well and we are all so incredibly proud of her.

(and we all really like them!)

As all of you know, I have been her main carer, since she was born.


Last year I began speaking to her about the unnatural connection we had developed.
She agreed quickly.

She was 14 years old and had never been separated from me.

She needed independence and loving connections to others.

I needed to find me again.

Amelia has fallen in love with 3 of her carers.

To watch and to listen to them has been amazing.

I know and hear that they feel the wonder of Amelia.

They have a lifetime to remember her and they are showing the impact of her on their souls.

I feel honoured to share the gift of Amelia.........

Tonight we were watching an episode of "The Voice in Australia".

The episode discussed the "medicine" of music.

People were discussing how music helped them through a death, bullying or love heartbreak.

I paused the episode to explain to the kids about how music has helped me in recent years.......

I know how I have spammed you all with music when I am really struggling........

But I really want you to close your eyes and imagine my explanation of each individual in our family tonight.

Especially when we are in a really good place and hope to stay there....

Many of you will have heard all of these already......

Get a cuppa (or wine!) and survive the ads.

Imagine the minds of our crazy family!

My message for Amelia....
It was when I finally realised that she will show me an amazing life guided by herself...... No matter how short.

My message for Tom.......

(We are seeing 90% evidence of siblings RUNNING when 18 from a family with a disabled child. Their own sibling. We are determined to not let this happen).

From Tom....
On my own page.
"He gives everything to others" Tom said


On my own page, a message FROM Scott to me.....

A message from me TO Scott.....

For all of you.....
This one.

I will never forget this song during Amelia's cancer diagnosis.
3 weeks of all of you keeping me upright, functioning and demanding answers.
(Code Grey was also threatened when they were going to do wrong by her!)


These 2 songs have been Amelia's in the last 2 years (12-14 years old) to get her through hard times.....



(Tom has requested that Amelia get Bluetooth headphones, because he believes hearing them 89 times is quite sufficient).

(she has secretly fallen for Zac Effron)



This one is quite profound.
It is about anyone with "difference".

But when I asked Amelia to choose her favorite song of life.......
She chose this one....


Quite profound really.

She always chooses or says the things that blind side me.

I seem to absorb each child around me and "their meaning" and "purpose" a lot!

Life as a parent?!

Recently Amelia said to a new carer incredibly innocently....

" Apparently I am famous. I never meant for this to happen".

Nor did we Miss Amelia.

But when someone so incredibly profound, innocent, knowledgeable AND
MIND BLOWING as you arrives, we need to speak about it.
Your messages are always profound and mind blowing.

You have shown and proven so much in the past 8 years.

We have no choice BUT to share your words.

We may not be religious, but we can still listen.

Thank you for taking the time to listen.


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