Monday 1 January 2018

Wonder - The Movie

Happy New Year 2018 friends!

Today Amelia wanted to go and see "Wonder" at the movies as one of our final adventures before the boys return from Scott's work trip to Sydney.

I had no issues attending and knew I would probably cry.....

From the very first second, my life started playing out before my eyes....
Quite intently and precise too.

It was like an "oh shit" moment where you look around and worry that someone is spying on you.
(This freaked me out almost as much as the hypnotists ability to remove smoking from my mind).

I say MY above because as the mother spoke, it is everything I have ever thought or experienced.

I say MY because I watched everything my family has experienced in close emotional detail.

Every thought, discussion, consoling moment.

Every personality in the family of the film matched mine almost perfectly!

The comment "My mum gave away her life to devote it to him"......

I silently cried throughout the whole movie.
Every new scene was exactly us.

As we left an elderly couple commented directly to me "great movie".
I lost it in front of them and was able to mutter "Yes. A little too close to home though".
I pushed Amelia quickly to the car.

I was just not prepared for everything we have gone through to be portrayed so perfectly on screen.
The fear, emotions, social skills, communication and even humour.

All of us was all there.

Hours later I was able to laugh a little when I thought of my opinion of the movie trailer beforehand...
Of what I was going to see.


I laughed that there are so many of us that already live every single minute of what was portrayed on screen.
We experience all that and more.

Children like Auggie are everywhere and I get to see them everyday at Amelia's school.

So if you want to see "my families life" and so many others, go see Wonder.


I know you all want to know Amelia's thoughts on the movie.

Her exact words were "I loved it.  I understood HIM.  I did not cry because I know that life. And Auggie is inspirational".

Oh Amelia.
Many of my tears were because I felt like I was watching your life on screen and the effect on everyone around you.

I felt like I was also watching, not only how you have changed and shaped Dad, Tom and I....
But so many others.


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