Tuesday 3 October 2017

Having a break

Hi friends,

I have decided to take a long break from blogging indefinitely.

Times have changed, the culture has changed and our family has changed.

In December of this year, it will be 7 years since Amelia was diagnosed with Ataxia Telangiectasia.

So much has happened during that time and your support has been indescribable.

Amelia and Tom now take great offence to me writing about them.

People are more confident and willing to disagree and argue about the sensitive topics I write about.

Everyone is allowed an opinion and I will never disagree with that.
I just do not have the time or the energy to monitor what is said.

I am making a long list of what I personally would like to address and achieve, in the near future, and I am excited about it.
I have repeatedly lectured you all about living life and making every second count.
It is now my turn.

As a mother quite often does, I have made sure that happens for everyone else, except me and my marriage.
Scott and I are still amazing together, but we have become partners in parenting a 14 year old that still has the needs of a baby.
We do not have time alone or discussions without children.

We will finally be addressing the need for a permanent carer (that Amelia will get to know over many months) so we can actually have a night alone once a month.
Currently it is twice a year.

I cant even fold washing without Amelia constantly calling out to me.

This will require many forms to fill out and to source funding from goodness knows where.

I have enrolled in a "stress on carers" course and am aiming on 1 walk per day to clear my head.

Writing a blog as intense as this one takes it's toll and I need to start living again.
We all know I have lost many friends.
I now have panic attacks and struggle to leave the house.

I know I do not "publish" very often, but I am always writing........just not publishing.

I need to stop and smell the flowers again.

I need to find Amanda again, because at the moment she is lost.


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