Sunday 6 August 2017

Tom's support network


I am feeling rather sentimental tonight.

Tom just played the final footy game for the 2017 season today and I have spent the entire afternoon feeling grateful for many reasons.

We have been fortunate enough to have people in Tom's life that may do things that we cannot.
Things that we cannot offer or have time for.

Today as we all wore yellow armbands and the team wore yellow face paint it reminded me of last year when the team supported Tom by doing the same in pink.
Two days before Amelia's big operation to remove the cancer tumour.

Today we did it for a players 8 year old cousin who has incurable leukemia.
Someone this child adores and has grown up with.

We were reminded that we are "family" and that we all support each other in hard times.
It was very emotional watching everyone band together for one players family.

I remember the tears from parents last year for us.

I have quite a significant "family" around Tom that comes from many directions.

Role models that he grows attached to and knows that they are always there.

People that know his situation, offer praise, constructive criticism and guidance in so many more ways than they probably even realise.
To Tom it is everything.

These people are showing support, love and mentoring in our world more than any of them realise.

(Even if their mum writes crazy stuff on here!).

These people are helping us guide Tom in a difficult world.
They make every week happy and full of excitement for Tom.
They make him think, question and plan.

They are helping to develop the adult he will be in the future.

They are all helping him to get through what may be considered a difficult childhood.

Thank you Megan, Dave, Glen, Brett (and all of the other helpers at footy that compliment, offer advice or encouragement and give him a pat on the back).

Kali, Darren (and all the parents at basketball that offer help and encouragement).

Tom's Primary School.
I would name them, but I am not allowed.
There are certain people that are amazing and look out for Tom and encourage a conversation when I suggest things are not going well at home.
Tom knows he can go to them and he feels safe emotionally at school.

Every time I witness any of the above, my heart grows with gratitude.

Sometimes it really does take a village to raise a child.


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