Friday 18 August 2017

Time and Development

Hello Friends.

Hard to believe that it is August 2017 already.
The time seems to be passing by faster every year.

Amelia has entered a new stage of her growth and maturity that brings me to comment.

She is now more fragile and delicate in her emotional health.
I interpret this being hormonal (as she is now 14 years old) and battling mentally with her disease and development.

Recently in hospital, she hit me.

Amelia would be horrified to know that I mentioned this.
She is incredibly upset that it even happened.
BUT one test that the doctors wanted, required me to do it.
It was humiliating for her.

I have explained to her that she has no way of expressing her anger, frustration and humiliation.
I have explained that she has learnt from her mistake and it won't happen again.

The day after, I had quite a prominent scratch across my face.
It is kind of funny to be consoling the perpetrator, instead of the victim.

I hope that we have reassured Amelia enough to understand how she can expel this anger in the future.


Something that is always evident, is the usual right of passage for a mother and daughter.

I understand that Amelia and I spend an immense amount of time together and growth and development (because of her disability and disease) will never be equal to another 14 year old.

I personally only know this kind of situation with her now.

Unless she is at school, or one other persons house, it is our life.

Recently I introduced Amelia to a movie series that was unashamedly a massive part in my life a few years ago.

The Twilight Saga arrived just after Amelia was diagnosed with Ataxia Telangiectasia and gave me the happiness, excitement and anticipation I so desperately needed.

A distraction and something to look forward to.
Something else to think about.
Something to talk to friends about.

I read all of the books (sometimes till 3am!) to escape my real world.

I even went to a midnight screening of one of the final novels (and woke up to take kids to school!).

Over the past 2 weeks Amelia has watched all of the movies.
We finished with the final one tonight.

Amelia has shown great interest and excitement at the end of each movie to watch the next one.
She has questioned the characters and the meanings behind storylines.

Everything I did.

The reason why I started purchasing the books (because they always hold so much more information).

Amelia is now researching audio books to hear The Twilight Saga.

I am so incredibly grateful and privileged to have been a part of this journey with her, that I myself took.

I feel like I have lived something with Amelia that always should have happened.

I won't possibly get to live most of life's journeys with her.

It sounds silly.

But I won't get to enjoy the first boyfriend, the first kiss, the first job, marriage etc..........

I got to see her excitement over something I also felt immensely about.

I love this kid immensely and will value whatever time and special experiences I get with her.


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