Monday 7 November 2016

Emotional Health

Hi Everyone.

As you all may know, this year has been a big year.
Unfortunately it looks like it may get even bigger.

It brings me to address a subject extremely close to my heart.


It is not widely known about or discussed.

Emotional health is all about your "inner being".
It connects self esteem, self worth, feelings and personal growth.

I honestly and truly believe it develops constantly from childhood and continually through adulthood.

I do not think it happened with Scott or myself in childhood and am constantly ensuring it happens with Amelia and Tom......

It may be late, but it is happening with Scott and I now and I am seeing the benefits everyday.


Open conversation.

It connects your social skills, helps school learning and even physical growth.

It can also help a marriage or relationship greatly.

If you are not happy within, nothing else with develop healthy.

Our house is now all about this and it is working.
I honestly and truly believe this.

If you are knowledgeable and talking about issues then it does not spiral into a dilemma.

It begins with a simple "How was your day?'.
And "What happened".

In our case it is also "The doctor said this or that today" and we see where the conversation goes.

As a family.
No distractions.


Just eating dinner.

Amelia and Tom both know that Amelia is going to decline further and will die in the future.
They may not like it, but they have acknowledged it.

I purposely did not say on here "accepted or understood" because that is part of their personal growth in emotional health.
They are not capable of either yet.

It is all about honesty and wording at the stage someone is at.

OR the stage the situation is at.

We have discussed the fact that Amelia is dying with both children individually (and that has been documented on here) BUT I can see where both children have scaled those words back to what they are able to comprehend.

I accept and totally understand that.

BUT Amelia and Tom have also changed dramatically in their behaviour towards one another.
They were always close, but.....

They genuinely listen and acknowledge each other now.
They write letters or say words they would not have said before.
They cuddle and lie in bed together.
They ask to attend outings and events together.

"Can "he/she" go with me?'

It connects to my original motto,
"No regrets at the end".

I can see them doing it, without me suggesting it.

Their "child" minds have grasped it.
The innocence and the reality has connected for them.

Emotional health is ongoing during someone's entire lifetime.

But it is up to the adults to instigate to a child or children everyday
"I am here and I will listen.
It does not matter how small, negative or positive the story is........I am here".

You may have no idea the importance of these simple questions.......
But it will not only mean everything to now, but also in the future.

The small things to a young child are considered HUGE.
Now. Acknowledge them now and show you are listening.

When they grow up, the small things (to possibly them) like drugs, alcohol and mental illness will turn out to be the huge things that they will REALLY need help with.

Be open to when they get home from school.
Be open when you are getting dinner ready together.
Be open to when they are going to bed.....lie down with them if you can.

Encourage them to write their feelings down....... even if they keep it to themselves.

Encourage them to talk, even if it is useless banter.

Laugh and joke with them.

Demonstrate it yourself.

Give it a few weeks and they will join in.

WE are creating their minds for the future and it is SO important.

And when new situations arise, good or bad, TALK.

Love you all xxx

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