Thursday 1 February 2018


Hey Guys,

Almost Midnight here, so just a quick post!

We are so busy with a million things happening or about to happen.

Everyone here is the best they have been in a very long time.

Our baby, Tom, entered Grade 6 this week.
I was almost as emotional as Prep!
He has an amazing group of kids around him (and parents!).

Amelia has entered a new grade.
Year 9.
New teacher and different friends.
The first new teacher in 4 years!

I am so incredibly proud to say, after all the anxiety over the holidays, that she has totally smashed it!
She is coming home happy and excited and full of stories.

Amelia is honestly taking life by the horns lately (please tell me that is a saying, because Scott tells me that I get them all wrong!- I am the person to unknowingly make up words to songs and common sayings!).

Amelia is really trying her best and using humour and sarcasm to get her through many situations lately. Thankfully school is genuine!
(I wonder who taught her that!).

One massive thing is that we are about to have "paid carers" enter our home.

"Well the government has saved lots of money on your family" one person at Amelia's school said.

Call me stupid (just looked up the meaning of Martyr and did not like it!) but I have always held the belief  "I am her mother and I will look after her".
I realise now that she should have been introduced to people helping us earlier.

BUT I am not upset at myself for believing she was my responsibility only.
Maybe that has helped the close connection amongst all of us in the family.
All of us helping and learning compassion by helping one another.

My back and hip no longer want to be alone in this battle.
They have turned against me and gone to an agency.

I have spent the past 6 months preparing Amelia for this change and she is now saying "I AM SICK OF YOU ALL AND NEED NEW PEOPLE SPENDING TIME WITH ME".

Or yelling it.
I think I (or my hips and back) have prepared her well.

The Government have given me a small amount of money to pay someone for now.


A massive move for our family.

The hardest part is allowing people to enter our home every 2 days to care for a daughter that is mine.
To observe and judge and think on what is mine.

But I need to get over it.
It is what it is.

Another big thing to happen soon is the NDIS.
It is the new Australian Government disability insurance scheme that Amelia did the very first advertisement for a few years ago.

I cannot possibly describe how HUGE it is.
If I write the plan correctly and connect it to the correct links on their 50 plus pages of links....
I may be able to get her everything we have NEVER been able to afford.

I have done SO much study and need to do 3 times more to get her the best plan possible.

Stuff it up and you will be left with not much.

Have a look at the photo I recently posted on the FB page.
I am aiming for stuff like that.
They want "independence" and " quality of life", I have pages of things she needs.

I have so much that would help Amelia.

I seriously cannot wait.

But we can also only try, because they may say no.........


But as I said to Tom's new teacher this morning.....
As we finished discussing HIS diabetes....

I have no idea about either of the kids anymore.

I have no idea what may happen with Amelia this year and whether we will end up in hospital or not.
What her diagnosis or prognosis may be, after previous years.

I have no idea whether we will be in a dangerous life situation "health wise" or not.

BUT please rest assure, I have the most amazing village around us to look after Tom outside of school hours.

The most amazing people that adore and love and discipline him as much as we do.

There is also ONE amazing teacher here, that he will always run to, when times are difficult.
One he adores and will just sit and talk to.

She got him through the unexpected cancer battle and has opened her door to help him through anything in the future.

HUGE for a pubescent boy.

But he still talks regularly about and to her, through playtime etc.

You, new teacher,  may need to look after him emotionally during school hours and that may be a task we need you to step up to.

Just warning you, because we all have no f'n idea what is around the corner!

But as always......
we smile
we laugh
we joke
we live with sarcasm
AND most importantly,
WE stick up for each other.

Cheers to 2018 friends xxx

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