Monday 1 June 2020

To Scott, Amelia and Tommy

To Dear Scott, Amelia and Tommy,


I am so incredibly sorry.

I am so incredibly sorry that my emotions surpass our everyday life for you ALL.

I am so incredibly sorry that I have lived the last 9.5 years preparing for one of my beautiful children's inevitable death in this house.

SO much of what I have done and said may connect to this.

OR I could just be naturally a nasty person, to cause so much trouble and create SO much hate...
I do not know.

OR a genuinely kind one.

Who will ever know.

What we were told at 3pm on December 10th 2010, has reshaped MY life and ALL of our lives forever.

"Go home and cherish Amelia" they said in that sad and sorrid room

Have a massive party if she ever reaches 18 years old" we were told.

I will never forget that Oprah Winfrey had just finished her LIVE Melbourne show that day.....

We were trying to get home in the same traffic as the audience of that show.

When we finally arrived home, our beautiful neighbour removed Amelia out of the car and asked "How did the meeting go?".

Through immense tears, I shook my head and said "Just look after her for a while please. I need to escape for a minute"."

As she took her away, crying herself, I went to sit alone in my car and cry.

We had arrived, at our local Royal children's Hospital, 1 week earlier, with a child who stumbled walking and had slurred speech.

I had already written on Facebook that a random Neurologist had commented offhandedly "part of her brain has apparently disappeared".

I then wrote about other tests and comments on my FB account over the next 5 days in December 2010.

Amelia was going to die at anytime.

It is now, 10 years later, AND SHE IS STILL HERE xxx

Fast Forward to now.

June 2020.

Many friends have gone........

because of ME and my reactions and online emotions,

AND because they cannot handle watching Amelia's decline,

AND because they lost interest long ago..