Saturday 27 July 2019

Goodbye and Thank you to Amelia's Teacher

Dear Friends far and wide,

We are so very lucky in so many ways for the "life" Amelia has introduced us to.
It has not only changed the people we were, but has also reminded us when we make the wrong decision or head down a negative pathway, (which happens regularly!).

Amelia has taught us the way we do not want to be and the people that are not compatible to our way of living and thinking anymore.

The support our family receives from family, friends, neighbours, school staff, sporting teams, online and Medical Professionals is phenomenal.

This week we had to say goodbye to Amelia's school teacher as she embarks on a journey to live with "her love" in Europe.

Another uniquely beautiful person that Amelia fell in love with.

Someone we would never have had the pleasure of meeting if we did not have Amelia.

I would like to share my goodbye letter to her, because it applies to so many of you in our life.
It was given with a box full of carefully chosen gifts...........

To Our Dearest ____________,

Everything chosen in this box is a memory and reminder of Amelia Grace Nicholds.

Someone who likes to dream, imagine, believe in magic and look at everything with happiness and hope.

There is also a reminder to you that you are someone special.

Most of the children you have taught, nurtured and treated "as normal" have a scientifically proven limited lifetime.

They will not experience what the majority do in their adult years.

But through their courage, bravery, positivity and genuine love, they get to meet people like you.

Us parents regularly struggle with the thought of the future and may not make the best decisions, but we know there are people like you to pick up the pieces and keep the circle of love and support tight around our kids.

My mantra since Amelia's diagnosis has been "to create the most amazing life for her that I possibly can" AND "No Regrets at the End".

Thank YOU for your massive contribution to Amelia's amazing life.

Amanda, Scott, Amelia and Tommy.

These words apply to so many in our life xxx

Hope everyone is well.