Friday 21 September 2018

Amelia's Fluffy Unicorns 2018

Hello dear friends,

(Please survive my whinge at the beginning to get to the good bit)

We have had a shit week.
Shit is the right word to use, because there has been lots of shit from poor Amelia.
And vomit....
But give me vomit anyday, not smelly, runny SHIT!

Imagine the urge of gastro and not being able to run to the toilet.

I only cried once this week....
Looking at my daughter lying on the floor in her own vomit.
(We did not make it and I could not hold her as we slipped in it).

I always hold and support her and this time I failed.

It is 9pm and we have just returned from the doctors and chemist to avoid driving in to rch, because she now has a UTI and keytones climbing.
UTI from all the shit and keytones from Type 1 diabetes (not eating, barely any insulin and having an infection).

Tonight as I was getting her ready for bed, she turned green in front of me.
(A UTI can have a flu like/mastitis like reaction. It knocks you for six. So can diabetes).

I cracked it (at 7:30pm) and threw her in the car and took her to the local GP.
We are best buddies with them, so they did not hesitate to see her.

Amelia is on an antibiotic now.
But the stern warning from the doctor was "If her keytones rise anymore, you MUST take her straight in".
Great. Thanks.

Diabetes wants to kick my arse at the moment!

There is also the fear of Tom and his levels over the weekend......
(will continue that story later)


(bet you are all pleading "YES PLEASE" now!)

A beautiful friend, (lets call her Emma *), has established a Relay for Life team ALL for Amelia.
Amelia has had control of everything, thanks to Emma.
The name, the fundraising, the decorations, the theme for costumes AND the organisation.
I thank Emma for involving Amelia so much.

Many of you would remember Amelia's first Relay for Life 2 years ago.
We were in a team for a close friends son, that had passed away from brain cancer, days after Amelia was cured of ovarian cancer.
It was a very confusing and bittersweet time. Still is.
BJ was only 6 years old.

Today BJ would have turned 9 years old.

Amelia had begun travelling through PTSD during relay in 2016.
BJ had passed.
She hated everyone and the world.
She was mildly aggressive and very angry.
She did not want to go to school "because I am different now".

The main cause of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the extreme feeling that you are going to die.
That you WILL die.

Amelia felt it.
I felt it on numerous occasions (especially that 15 minutes in surgery) and many of you felt it may be the end result in 2016.

The very first lap of relay, at 4pm on the Saturday, is the "Survivor/Carer" lap.
In 2016, I will never forget the incredibly vivid memory of watching Amelia drive her wheelchair around that 800 metres.
SO MANY of our friends and family were on the sidelines cheering her as she passed, that I clearly saw the recognition within her.....the acceptance and the understanding....

I survived Cancer.

There is video of her saying "I think I am going to cry mum".

In 2017 we joined the amazing Liv's team.
A child currently in Grade 6, that has been battling spinal and brain cancer for a number of years.
We are honoured to have them join our team this year.

There is no word for Cancer.
It is beyond evil.
Especially to children.
By doing things like this weekend, we are contributing to eradicating it from earth.

In the last 24 hours, we have lost another A-T child to cancer.
Skylar was Amelia's age and was diagnosed with lymphoma a few months after Amelia's cancer.
Skylar passed away Thursday.

An amazing, dedicated member of our 2018 relay team has had to back out because her beautiful mum is in the final days of life, due to cancer.

Cancer sucks.


Relay for life is empowering, fun, inspiring and humbling.

It is a carnival-like atmosphere and reminds you of how people volunteer their time to help eradicate cancer.

There is nothing like walking at 4am, knowing you are there to help stop cancer affect anyone else.

This blog has been a lot longer than I planned.
I am sorry.

If you want and if you can.....
Come to Ballam Park Athletics track tomorrow to help the world get rid of cancer (or at least the cancer council!).
It starts at 4pm Saturday and ends at 11am Sunday.
Come and say hello, buy one of our cookies or cupcakes and contribute to our team that Emma* created,.

A massive thank you to those that either joined our team or doanted!

Tom and I, and many others, are staying overnight (God help me) because Tom has set himself a goal to walk 150 laps. Last year he walked 70 (which was a massive effort!) and now Mr Competitive wants to dramatically beat that by staying overnight.
(low diabetes levels)
I am dreading keeping his diabetes safe, but understand his commitment and dedication.
To end my "all over the place" blog....

Please have your fingers crossed for the Melbourne Demons to make the AFL final!
They play at 3:20pm tomorrow.

Tonight Tom found out that I did not enter him into the Melbourne Demons Membership ballot, in case they finally make the Grand Final.
I explained that it is for only 1 ticket.
He began gasping and staring at me in WTF?!?!

"What?! Do you expect me to take you and then sit out the front until the game is finished?! YOU are 12 years old and cannot attend alone".

"NO!" he responds.
"You wouldn't have to sit out the front! I would catch the train home!".

12 bloody years old!!!!!!!

Come to relay and come and say Hi.
A lot of effort has gone into decorating our area for Amelia.

Fingers Crossed that she is there.


* Emma is not her real name.
It is actually Mother Teresa, but we have chosen to conceal her identity.