Saturday 25 August 2018

TOM's First AFL Grand final!

Hello Dear Friends,

Tom is in his first Grand Final tomorrow for AFL Football!
His own team and in his own game and in his own age group.

Under 12!

So young, but actually so important.

All of the kids have watched their supported AFL Professional teams in games, finals, brownlow medals and best'n'fairest for so long (possibly ALL of their lives)......this is HUGE!

OUR TEAM has made the Grand Final!


Tom is actually playing after 6 years of Junior Football.



My blog is for SO much more.....

We have a coach (X 3 YEARS) , team manager (past and present), runners (x 3 years), trainer/s(x 3 years), ground marshall/s, Interchange Steward, umpire, goal umpire, Committee Members, loving parent supporters etc.......


Whether we win the Grand Final or not....
YOU have all been awesome!!!!!!!!

Thank You Dave Kelly, as we know this is your last year.

Thank you for treating our son as your own in training and games.

You know our situation of having an older child with a terminal illness, BUT you treat every child equally.

Fairness in life for everyone is equal.

Tom's skills at his age needs to be measured equally, against everyone else.
We all understand that.

Tomorrow and every game is about skill and game pressure...........

Go Langy Whites, Under 12's for tomorrow at 2:20PM!

Thursday 2 August 2018

Homeless and happy

Hello dear friends!

(I have permission to post this from the family. I do not name anyone).

This last week has been an eye opener.

I have been astounded by how a life, situation and family can end up in a difficult situation so quickly.

Ten days ago, I was asked to house one of Tom's friends for a few days as the family was homeless.


I did not hesitate to say yes.
This child had already stayed here numerous times this year and it was easy to "slot him in" with our family and house routine.

I did not really know the rest of the family.

The mother mentioned she would drop him around the following night.

I arrived home crying that night, after picking Tom up from his snow excursion.

Where were they sleeping that night?
How is this happening to them?

The next night the child was dropped off.
I asked the mother where she and the 2 daughters were going to sleep that night.
She could not give me an answer.

I told her that I could not let her leave then.
They would all just stay here.

Then I needed to ring Scott at work and tell him!
He was awesome and agreed with me.

This family just needed a roof, heat and safety.
Food, showers and washing machine.

All the things we all take for granted (and yet struggle to pay for!).

The mother was then able to organise herself and their future.

She works, but has no rental history, so getting a rental was going to be difficult.

After receiving a house through Centrelink (very lucky and a fluke), I realised they had NO furniture or appliances.
No bedding, towels, cutlery and not much clothing.

I asked for the mothers permission to post something on my Facebook account/s.
She was extremely accepting and grateful.

"Be warned" I said.
"It is going to happen very fast and quickly.
Anyone following Amelia and still friends with us is very kind and generous.
WE will need to be organised and ready to pick stuff up for you straight away".

Within 24 hours we had enough furniture to fill 2 houses!


Thank you to the person that drove 1 hour (each way) to deliver all of her excess plates, bowls and cups.
Thank you to the person that donated all of the furniture and appliances from her recently deceased family members household.

There were SO many others.
It is too many to list!

The offer of clothing, towels and bedding here AND still to come is greatly appreciated.

While everyone here has coped as well as they could for the past 8 days, (lunch, snack, medication and coffee for 8 people at 8am!), Tom and his mate treated the whole experience as a celebration sleepover!!!!!!
It has made the whole experience funnier and easier.

They treated packing the car up today as a funeral procession though!
The body language and facial demeanor was priceless!

No more PS4 Fortnite....... yelling out to each other the past 8 days while gaming  (WITH HEADPHONE.... MICROPHONE mouth pieces!).

They were in the same f'n house for a week.!

This child will not have Internet for a while obviously.

Amelia struggled greatly with lack of sleep, constant noise, change of routine and mum (ME!) not as responsive to her.
School was worried about her and so were others.

Eventually I said to her "Do you want them all living in their car again?!".

Amelia and the 7 year old had established a beautiful relationship by this stage, created through a donut making app on Apple.

Amelia said "No. I am her pretend big sister now. I want her here".

In our situation it has worked well.

I am home (as a full time carer) so cooking, washing and cleaning needed to change from 4 people to 8 people.
Their insight to our life and coping mechanisms and vice versa has been fully opened and seen.


Be open, communicative and acceptive of differences for anyone and everyone.
Don't assume laziness, bad choices or wasted money as the answer (all those happened here).
Sometimes advice and new directive is needed.

We accepted and helped on bad choices this week.

We have ALL made bad choices in our lifetime/s.

YOU have helped me to set this family up in a new life, a new pathway and beginning with your advice and assistance.

YOU have assisted us with so much for Amelia it is too looooooong to list right now.
I was able to pre-warn this family of your possible response with their difficulty, because kindness is massive on this page,

This evening Scott was approached by his boss
"I hear that you have taken in a family that is homeless. Why am I only hearing about this now?".

"All is good" Scott said.
"I received a call here last week that they were moving in. My wife said they would be there when I got home. I trusted and agreed with her. Hard to make my take away coffee in the morning though. Too many people in the kitchen!"

Scott rolls with the punches and accepts the family and choices they make!

Tonight they have a house with blow up mattresses, heating and take away (their choice) before they get their permanent essentials.
They need to reconnect and bond again as a family.

Thank you for your help.

You are all amazing xxx

(I will check in with the family daily xxx)

I forgot about the Head Cold I recently caught and can barely function.
I forgot about the 8 year old Pug dog we are minding (organised months ago) that arrived a fewdays ago.


Alcohol should be delivered to........