Sunday 3 June 2018

My Beautiful, Sweet 15 year old.

Hello Dear Friends,

7.5 years ago I began writing about our child's horrible diagnosis.

Amelia was 7.5 years old.

Fast Forward 7.5 years and she turns 15 years old tomorrow.

MAJOR MILESTONE from the day in December 2010, when the hospital told us to "go home and cherish every single day. There is nothing we can do".

You all now what we have gone through and what Amelia has "lost" in the last 7.5 years.
So many of you are right beside her regularly or have been at various times along the journey.
Many of you have followed our journey through my writing.

Those closest to Amelia may struggle, fail in many areas and outplay emotions irregularly.........
(it is hard to live in this house and watch and help with the daily struggle).

BUT what her life, her personality and her words have taught us, is life changing.

I like to think of this trait as "what she has gained".

She regularly alters a persons "life pathway" and makes them see their life differently, without realising it herself.

I know she has changed my life greatly since she was born.

I now sit back and enjoy watching it happen to others.

Happy 15th Birthday beautiful, sweet Amelia.

May your week of celebrations bring you great joy.

May your long lists, demands and requests end after your birthday week!!!!!!
I am exhausted!

Some photos of Amelia's life so far follow.


We look forward to celebrating so many more years with you.
