Friday 3 March 2017


Hello friends,

I do not want you to fall off your chairs, but I am a bit happy!

I know, I know, a bit unusual of late, but I can genuinely share good news with you all.

Today we attended our first appointment with the surgeon that operated on Amelia in June of last year (2016).

Yasmin came into the waiting room to get us at our local Royal Children's Hospital.
Amelia had her back to her as she was enjoying watching the young children play outside the window.

I proudly turned Amelia around in her wheelchair.
I proudly showed her what she had achieved.

What did she see?
A smiling, plump and healthy child.
A beautiful, eye sparkling child full of questions.

A child that is content and happy.

Yasmin gasped loudly and smiled.
"Come into my office" she said quickly.

When we got there, she kept saying "Oh my god. Amelia you look so amazing. I am so happy".

You see, when she first met Amelia last year, Amelia was very sick.
She was vomiting every morning and had severe abdominal pain.

She had studied all of the scans that had been done before we were referred to her.

Yasmin met two very frightened parents and a child with a massive unknown mass connected to her ovary.

On Operation Day, where SO many of you wore pink in support of this amazing child........ so many of you prayed, hoped and hugged your own children....... she operated.

Yasmin was the one who warned us of the fear of complication on the table (possible death).
She was the one that warned us that it may be cancer.
She was the one that said the operation may just be the start of a long journey.

It brings SO many tears to my eyes to tell you that today, I turned this amazing child around in her wheelchair to show Yasmin what she had achieved in her surgery.

She saved her.

(Something else did too, but I plan to share that at a later date).

BUT this woman opened our daughter up and did her best to remove not only the 14cm / 1 litre fluid tumour from her abdomen, she did it WELL.

She checked everything around the tumour for damage.
She removed the appendix because it had been so badly beaten.
She sampled the stomach, bladder, bowel, liver and kidneys for SPREAD.

Today I hugged her and told her that everyone that loves Amelia thanks her for saving Amelia's life.

She did.
She so, so, so, did.

No matter how long it was growing for (possibly 2 years) or how it arrived..........
She was the one to remove it AND remove it ALL.

Yesterday I was approached at Amelia's Secret Garden (her VERY Special School).

Amelia has been nominated to receive a "Children's Courage and Bravery Award" from the Lions Club for last year and her amazing effort to bounce back this year.

Nothing like bursting into tears at home time!

So many deserving children and it was a "unanimous" decision that Amelia receives it.

Amelia is BACK and I am soooooooooo incredibly proud of her resilience.

You can get back on your chairs now.


P.S. Must go.
We brought back Gingerbread Men from our "secret haunt".
Daddy wants two.
Amelia is yelling at him
"ONE! We bought you ONE!".