Thursday 28 April 2016

No Title this time


Today I turned into a small 5 year old child.
For just a moment.
A very brief moment, but it was very powerful.

I do not write many entries now.
There are many reasons for this.
Most are hurtful messgaes from people and attack the person I am trying to change into.

A positive person who is enjoying her life and is appreciative and loves all of those around her.

But this year, or the Universe around me, is battling me on this.
It is like "ok. We will challenge you some more then, if you are doing ok".

So much going on that I cannot talk about.
It is frustrating.

Amelia is doing well and that is what this site (and the previous one with 250 odd RAW entries) is about.
It is not about me.

Tom is amazing and has the most wonderful teacher and supportive friends around him this year.

Scott is his ever beautiful self.
Putting up with me and helping with the kids as soon as he walks in the door after a stressful day at work.
I am SO lucky and SO grateful that he chose me.

I am finding myself through an amazing, inspiring and uplifting workplace.
A place that openly tells me that they appreciate me........outside the home.
The home where I am a fulltime carer.

Yesterday I attended a funeral for the father of one of the most important people in my life.
As the service ended and the front row showed their emotion...........
I couldn't help myself.

I left my seat from about 5 rows back and just went and held her.

It was her dad.
Everyone has and needs a dad.

Today I left a surgical room where a needle had been inserted into my Thyroid.

My dad was standing there waiting for me.

I hugged him.
So tight.
I was a 5 year old child that just needed her dad.
