Thursday 11 February 2016



I need a distraction today from a little man who I know is in surgery.
Not my little man, a friends.

Anyway today I will focus on happy things........

Our family is having a very good year so far.

Amelia and Tom have settled extremely well into the 2016 school year.

Amelia began her first year of Secondary School and is absolutely loving it.
There has been no anxious vomiting and she is coming home with a massive smile on her face.
She is having trouble waking up in the morning and is showing many signs of attitude.
The teenage years are approaching hard and fast!
Some of her responses to me during conversation require me leaving the room to laugh!

I put regular (and may I say hilarious) conversations with both kids on the Amelia's Project Facebook account. Here is the link if you want to join.....

Amelia has new friends, old friends, new teachers and staff and old teachers and staff in her classroom.
The Secondary yard is so much more exciting with remote control cars, cricket and a Glee Club (which she joined).
Attitude surfaced when I asked her what she did in Glee Club.

"What do you think ?!?! WE sang".
(insert her rolling her eyes here).

I was proud of her controlling her anxiety when it was announced that she had been allocated a new bus driver and aide to get too and from school.
She loved the fun and relationship she had with the previous ones.
She had a good cry and then we looked at the positives.

Tom has a new teacher to the school that is young and enthusiastic.
She has introduced "systems" and "incentives" to encourage learning.
Tom is extremely competitive, so this is definitely working in our favour.
Our mornings are no longer full of arguments to get ready for school (which includes an insulin needle for his Type 1 Diabetes).
We are no longer arguing over completing homework and handing it in every Friday.
He has also started reading novels again.
Eight months ago, I bought him "Harry Potter".
In his reflection comments, I was happy to see him write "I am disappointed that I did not start reading this sooner".
I cannot wait until he is finished to show him the movie!

It is true what they say about teachers who inspire learning.
This teacher has put the spark back in his eyes and enthusiasm to go to school.

Over the six week school holiday break we took timeout to be home, to relax, to socialise and just BE.
I was exhausted by the end because I virtually had the kids 24/7.... well Amelia at least.
She does not like respite and I refuse to force her to go.
I have a problem with handing responsibility over to strangers anyway, so it works for both of us.

Both Amelia and Tom have an incredible bond.
They still behave like siblings yelling at each other a lot, but in general they adore each other.
It is magical to watch.

This year I have made a few changes to how I live my own life.
I have set myself goals with no pressure of when to complete them.
These include writing more of the book I began three years ago and making some changes around the house.
My work days may delay when it is achieved, but I will do it.

I have also changed my attitude towards anyone in my life and my families life.
I can now see more clearly the troublemakers, negative personalities and people that are not genuine in how they speak and conduct themselves.

I used to spread myself too thin in the friendship arena and get upset about some that have chosen to leave Amelia's life.
She is clever enough to know they no longer visit her.

But in 2016 I can see a fresh start in so many areas.
I can see happiness returning and flourishing.

It has been five years since Amelia's diagnosis and two years since Tom's.
Maybe it has taken this long to adjust to the new normal that our life will always be.
Maybe it has taken this long to genuinely appreciate the smile, the laugh and the beautiful conversations.
Maybe it has taken this long to appreciate the relationships with those that were always there and always will be.


Below are some amazing photo's taken by a talented photographer called Rebecca Brindley.
Here is the link to her website....